
时间:2018-08-16 来源:励志故事 点击:

篇一:[西餐英文]我做主作文600字 故事要有主见

我做主作文600字 故事要有主见



聂利没有放弃,她找来一些些蜜蜂把蜜蜂翅膀用透明胶粘在墙上,仍然听到有“嗡嗡”的声音。她索性把蜜蜂翅膀剪了,依然能听到声音。聂利做了像沙漠里的沙子一样多的实验,用放大镜看了蜜蜂无数次,终于在蜜蜂的翅膀下找到了声音的来源—— 一颗黑色的点,她连忙找一根针用它刺破了那颗黑点,立刻鸦雀无声了。后来,她完成了一篇以《蜜蜂并不是靠翅膀振动发声》为题的论文,获得了“十八届全国青少年科技创新大赛‘银奖’”的荣誉称号。

一节英语课上, 我们在讨论吃西餐时到底是左手拿刀还是右手拿刀,徐老师和大部分同学都赞同左手拿叉,几乎只有我和吴可凡两人同意左手拿刀,于是我们就和其他同学争论起来,直到徐老师来“劝架”为止。回到家后,我上网查阅了一下,有的人说左手拿刀,有的人说右手拿刀,看来上网也不靠谱啊!我关了电脑,静下心来想:如果左手拿刀的话,虽然有点不爽,但是有“大力士”右手用叉子死死按住牛肉,用左手切还是比较顺的;如果右手拿刀的话,虽然比右手比较舒服,但是左手没有右手力气大,摁住那牛肉,反而会把牛肉



篇二:[西餐英文]英语演讲稿 My Birthday Party(我的生日会)

Hello everyone. My name is Yuki. I’m so glad to be here. My topic is my birthday party.

Today is my birthday party. My parents held a birthday party for me. There were a lot of people in my party: my mother, father, sister, brother and 4 of my friends.

First, my family and friends gave me some gifts. My mom gave me a red shirt. There is a big cat on it. My dad gave me a lovely hat. And I like most is the umbrella that my good friend Lisa gave me. It’s purple and big. What’s more, purple is my favorite color.

Later we sang the birthday song and ate cake. We really enjoyed the strawberry cake. It’s so sweet and yummy. Further, we saw the 4D movie The World Sea. That’s so exciting. We love it very much.

It’s an awesome birthday party! We all had a great time. Thank you.

篇三:[西餐英文]小学英语作文 My favourite festival(我最喜欢的节日)

My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It"s On January 26th is Spring Festival. Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. My parents and I usually clean our house and go shopping before Spring Festival. I usually wear some new clothes during Spring Festival. And we often have some dumplings during Spring Festival. My parents and I like Spring Festival very much! And I think we Chinese people both like Spring Festival.






