
时间:2018-06-18 来源:英语作文 点击:

我爱英语篇1:I like reading_我爱阅读英语作文

I like reading_我爱阅读英语作文
Reading is playing an important part in my daily life.Reading can make us enjoy our life.Reading has numerous advantages.Reading helps us to work engeretically.
There are a varity of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.I like history books very much.First of all,reading books can widen my knowledge of customs,cultures and life styles of different places and countries.Seondly,I can make friends through reading more books.I can share my opinion with my new friends who like reading history books too.Finally,reading is the best way of pastime.
In a word,we can benefit a lot from reading.It is worth spending the time reading books.

我爱英语篇2:英语作文:我爱我的家乡(I love my village)

◆您现在正在阅读的我爱我的家乡(I love my village)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:www.99zuowen.com,版权归原作者所有.!我爱我的家乡(I love my village)
我爱我的家乡(I love my village) Hello, dear friends! Welcome to my village. It"s big and beautiful! I like it very much.  Look! There are many houses in the village. They are small. There are many high and beautiful mountains near the houses. There is a big forest behind the houses. There are many big trees in it. There are many rivers in front of the houses. The water is clean. There are many fish in the rivers. There are many bridges over the rivers. There are many big trees on the river banks. And there is grass and flowers on it. The grass is green. The flowers are colourful and beautiful. There is a lake in the village. There are many ducks in the lake.  The sky is blue. The rivers flow. The air is fresh and clean. My village is very beautiful!I like it very much!

我爱英语篇3:I like high school_我爱高中高中生英语记事作文300字

I like high school_我爱高中高中生英语记事作文300字
When I first came here, I was so lonely and I didn"t know how to make friends, so I do everything by myself.
One day, when I was sitting alone in the class while everybody was playing happily.suddenly, a boy who looked very friendly came up to me. He smiled to me and said,"Hello, can I make friends with you?" I didn"t know how to answer him but just nodded."Well, let us go to playground to play basketball."He said kindly to me with a sweet smile, which made me feel so glad and decided to play with him.
The playground was full of pretty places such as different kinds of flowers and green glass. The grass was shaking in the wind as a wave.The birdswere flying in the sky and the sky was so blue, which made me feel everything was glorious.We played very happily that day and I would never forget the day when we played with each other.
Living in such a long time in this high school, I find teachers are very kind.When I have troubles in study, I often ask teachers for help, they not only never refuse me but also gladly teach me.Also,they often gives us sweets to eat and play games with us.
Thank you, your smile.Thank you,my teacher.
I hope we can get along well with each other and study hard in the future. In a word, I love this high school very much!

我爱英语篇4:英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮-Enjoy English

英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮-Enjoy English——随着科技的进步,交通工具的发展缩小了地域之间的差距。交通工具从人力到畜力再到机械动力的发展,减少了花费在路上的时间。现在的飞机,高铁,汽车把整个地球都变成了地球村。各地之间来往交流十分的方便,也为经济的发展提供了便利。英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮-Enjoy English——亲爱的同学们,大家喜欢制作手抄报吗,小编觉得英语手抄报也是非常值得大家制作的手抄报内容哦,大家在制作手抄报的过程中也是可以获得很多的英语知识哦。看,图中的这张英语手抄报就是非常不错的手抄报设计哦,不知道大家觉得怎么样呢,希望大家可以喜欢哦!英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮-Enjoy English——亲爱的同学们,大家喜欢制作手抄报吗?小编觉得在手抄报英语手抄报也是非常值得大家去创作的哦!今天小编为大家分享的这张英语手抄报就是非常不错的哦,他是关于六一儿童节的主题叫做快乐儿童节。眼看,儿童节就要到了制作一张这样的手抄报是一个非常不错的选择哦!英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮-Enjoy English——亲爱的同学们,大家喜欢制作手抄报吗,不知道大家有没有经常制作一些英语手抄报呢?看,今天小编为大家带来的手抄报就是一张非常不错的英语手抄报哦,看到图中的版面设计了,非常的漂亮清楚哦,小编觉得多制作一些英语手抄报对我们也是有很多好处的哦,下面让我们一起走进图中的这张英语手抄报吧!







