腊八节用英语怎么说_腊八节英语怎么说 腊八节的起源英文翻译
腊八节英语怎么说 腊八节的起源英文翻译
腊八节英语怎么说 腊八节的起源英文翻译
Laba Festival
Labais celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, referring to thetraditional start of celebrations for the Chinese New Year. La in Chinese meansthe 12th lunar month and ba means eight.
Folktales abound as to the origins of eating congee during Laba Festival. According to the most famous one, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang (reigned 1368-1399), used to herd cattle for a rich man. One day, his carelessness caused a leg of one of the cows to be broken. The rich man was so angry that he locked up the culprit in a small room and didn’t allow food to be given to him. After some time, the famished Zhu Yuanzhang found in a corner of the room a rat hole that contained a supply of stolen red beans, rice, red dates and other produce. These he boiled into congee, on which he feasted voluptuously. Because that day was the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang named the congee Laba Congee.
关于腊八节喝粥的起源,民间故事比比皆是。最著名的一个,明朝的开国皇帝朱元璋(1368 - 1399年在位),小时候给财主放牛,因牛腿摔断被财主关在一间屋子里,不给他饭吃,过了一段时间,快要饿死的朱元璋在屋子的角落里发现了一个老鼠洞,从中挖掘出红豆、大米、红枣等各种粮食,煮成粥食用,觉得非常香甜。因为这一天是农历的十二月八日,皇帝朱元璋将它命名为腊八粥。
腊八节英语怎么说 腊八节的起源英文翻译
糯米:glutinous rice
红豆:red beans
高粱:Chinese sorghum
莲子:dried lotus seeds
枣子:dried dates
Wish you happy. It wins: beautiful flowers, romantic like the cherry blossom, auspicious like snowflakes, luck on peach blossom, rich race peony, jasmine fragrance climb!
Send you a coat, peace is in the front, the back is happiness, luck is collar, wish is sleeve, happiness is a button, pocket full of warmth, put it on, let it be with you every day! The Laba festival!
Open my eyes, I only have eyes for you. Close my eyes and I only have eyes for you. The glasses on the belt four of my eyes you are the Laba Festival, I want to marry you!
Quietly tell you in advance, the Laba Festival my gift to you: good chasing your illness, and hide your lover, love, pain from you, happy with you, everything down to you!
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