
时间:2018-06-13 来源:英语作文 点击:

英语作文邀请函范文篇(1):How to learn English_英语作文范文

English is not difficult.I like learning English.Must first master the English words.And should always read English.Then master the grammar.
You can write down you mistakes in your notebooks.And Checkyour English notebooks every day.If you like listening to music and watching movies,you can listen to English songs and watching English movies.
I must learn English very will.Because I want to grow up to do English translation.
12 years ago, I was born in a happy family, there was a gentle father, a beautiful mother and a handsome brother, all the family were so happy for the birth of me. My family was full of warmth and happiness.
My parents and brother love me very much, in the National Day of last year, we had a trip in Wu Yi mountain, the mountain was very high, when we climbed at the half of it, we felt very tired, at last, my parents took me to the top of the mountain, at that time, I felt the love of my family.
I am so lucky God can let me grow in such good family. Now I want to say that I love my mum, my dad and my brother. I love this family very much.


On scientific subject, the teacher teachs us to had done a lot of tests, but most let what I like or do " earthy phone " this experiment. The ring that attend class rang, mr. Huang that teachs science walked into a classroom, say to us: "We are done today " earthy phone " . " I or first time hear of " earthy phone " , I already too impatient to wait. The teacher grants us each group 2 one-time cups mix long term, say next: "Fall in cup bottom drill a hole, extend the line next inside make a written guarantee! " then, each groups of classmates started work in succession. Our group thinks: With what thing is a hole drilled in cup bottom? With the needle, came to hand to be bothered, final decision uses toothpick, go to the lavatory namely safe. I take out toothpick, had been gotten a little while. Should extend the line into cup bottom next, this thing is especially simple, the Zhang Wenyi of our group does not expend a bit interest, had done this thing. In because do the hole too greatly,see other group classmate, increased a lot of troubles for the knot activity below, hit after several knots are trashy also, we thought of a method: It is with transparent glue inside outside affix. We are done according to this method, succeeded as expected. We use same method also had been done additionally directly, " earthy phone " success. I think: this is " earthy phone " , become with a cord electrical wiring, can you also speak like the phone? I what had done " earthy phone " look to the teacher, also told a teacher idea, the teacher says: "Do not believe try with respect to oneself. " Mr. Huang told us the method: "A person says, a person listens, try can you hear? " I gave Zhang Wenyi, give oneself directly, zhang Wenyi says: "Cheng Xujing, was heard? " did not think of I am heard really, make me astonied. Later, I say cooler more, say more amused more, we you say, I listen, you listen, I say, really amused. "Earthy phone " this experiment is really interesting, do you say? 






