
时间:2017-06-06 来源:英语作文 点击:


期中考试之前,我忐忑不安的想:学生能做到什么程度呢?尤其是学生在做卷子时,我走着看着,心中是万丈怒火,懊恼不已,不该错的,也错;更不用提难度大点的。讲过的句型,稍微改过几个单词,九个同学只有一个做对。学生怎麽这麽没有灵性呢?   改过卷子之后,心中略松一口气,学生们还是掌握了一些知识,吸收了一些知识,但是离中招考试的标准,差得太远,太远.九十分以上的学生,一名:八十五分至九十分的学生,二名;七十五分至八十分的学生,二名,七十分至七十五分的学生,四名.   对一部分学生来说,基础知识的未掌握,一方面缘于正常的遗忘,更重要的原因是上课时注意力分散.怎样培养学生上课时的听课习惯,是最为关键的.我在讲课时,要尽量使用简明、准确、形象、生动、幽默、风趣的语言,必须坚持用英语教学,让学生用英语来想英语.同时,相应的肢体语言要尽可能符合英美人的习惯.对于学生来说,要求他们全神贯注,要和老师同步思考出现的问题.我们都知道,榜样的力量是无穷的,在讲课的同时,要巧妙地穿插一些类似“头悬梁,锥刺骨”的故事,培养他们坚强的毅力,遇到问题时不逃避.   不会用英文写作文,是绝大多数学生的通病,不知道作文是由句子构成,一个正确的句子,需要用正确的句型,需要用正确的词组来构成.写好作文,没有诀窍,只有多写多练.   完形填空,阅读理解这两大项,是所有英语考试中至关重要的两大部分,是一种综合考查,一半学生*猜得了一些分.不仅能看,还要看得懂,需要学生长期不懈的努力.作为老师,要在教法上多注意,讲课文时让学生先阅读,后讲解,培养他们的阅读能力教学反思《八年级英语期中测试试卷分析》

八年级上册英语笔记二:《英语(新目标)》八年级(下)Unit 2第一课时教学设计及反思

《英语(新目标)》八年级(下)Unit 2第一课时以对话的形式呈现怎样谈论问题以及建议,这是本课也是本单元的重点。我为本课设计了一个中心任务──根据自己存在的问题,向同学寻求建议。我在设计教学任务时,创设了大量教学情景,优化教学过程,给学生提供一种自然的情景学外语。课前我为本课确定了几个教学任务或目标,在此基础上,逐步细化,将分解后的小任务落实到若干个教学活动中去,使学生能随着活动的完成而掌握知识点,同时也获得成就感,激发学生参与、探索与创新。下面通过展示以下不同的教学活动过程来谈一下我的课后思考与启示。 【教学设计】 Theme:What should I do ? Function:Talking about problems and give advice Structure:could, should,Why don’t you...?(formulaic) Main and difficult points:How to talk about problems and give advice Teaching aids:recorder , CAI and pictures Teaching aim:(1) Learn to talk about the problems by using: What’s wrong ?/ What’s the matter ?/What’s the trouble ? (2)Learn to talk about giving advice by using :could , should , Why don’t you...? Teaching process: Step 1:Leading-in Duty report (A story about someone who was in trouble and ask for help ) Step 2:Pre-task 1.Warming up:Guessing pictures.(Teacher show the Ss some pictures in which some people are in trouble.The Ss guess:What ’s the matter with he/she ?) 2.Discussion (Talk about the trouble in different pictures among different people, and give some advice to them.) Step 3:While-task 1.Listening comprehension(Listen to the tape and circle the problems they hear in activity 1a.) 2.Reading comprehension(Ask and give advice according to the dialogue in pairs.) 3.Role-play(Practice the dialogue and then act the dialogue after listening and repeating the tape.) 4.Listening comprehension(Listen to the tape and draw lines to match the advice and the reasons.) 5.Problem solving (Teacher :I don’t feel very well.I feel very tired.What should I do ?Ss give advice.) 6.Find and solve (Students in small groups try to find out what problems they have, write down the problems; others try to find out advice for them.) 7.Singing(Ss sing out the following song by changing the words ) 12 3 1 | 12 3 1 | 3 4 5 | 3 4 5 | What’s the matter?What’s the matter?I... 56 54 31| 56 54 31 | 2 1| What should I do?What should I do?You should... Step 4:Post-task The results






